Monday, 9 September 2013

Model Spotlight: Alea-Class Escort Flyer

A fairly short article here, as this is probably the simplest of the models in the upgrade box. The final model in the Covenant of Antarctica upgrade box, the little Alea-Class Escort Flyer is only less interesting than the other models in the set by virtue of the sheer cool factor of its larger brethren. That is not to say that this isn't going to be a useful model, far from it. Veteran players are immediately going to see the utility of the Alea, especially considering the new toys the larger flyers are getting.

If I were a middle-management type, I would describe the Alea as 'Synergistic'. But since I don't earn a living from being a self-indulgent git (It's more of a hobby), I'm just going to say that this will kick arse with a good pairing with other models. The only weapons on the Alea are mines, with a reasonable 5AD, which are really given a place when you realise that the new flying options the Alea was clearly designed to escort both have access to a Mine Controller Generator option. By using the Alea's fantastic manoeuvrability, the flying escort can deploy mines a good distance from their parent model, then utilise the Mine Controller Generator to move the mines even further for optimal hindrance to anyone trying to avoid the mines. With AA and CC values of 2 each, the Alea does fairly standard duty as an escort, but with Hit-and-Run and 360-degree movement, can reach out and put a little pain on a threatening target, then skip back, all the while using Low Level Flyer to ensure that it's at the correct height level to avoid retribution. With a movement of 12", it has a fairly decent threat range.

MARs specific to this model are Small Target, Elusive Target and Limited Availability(500). The two target MARs mean that this model will pretty much only be hit on 5+ by enemy models, which will help given the standard small model survivability of DR3, CR5, HP2. Limited Availability(500) feels a bit unnecessary on this model, given that it's an escort costing 35 points, so won't be escorting more than one or two models anyway.

The current Covenant escort model, the Galen, comes in 10 points cheaper and has a gun, but for that you trade in 4" of movement, the ludicrous manoeuvrability and mines. Considering that the gun was a bit rubbish and only used occasionally (for example, popping off a rush of boarding small models), the Alea appears the better choice- if you can spare the points, and use them well. But hey, the gnashing of teeth when you use Aleas to maximum infuriating effect will be worth the points.

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